Results for 'J. L. Chretien'

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  1.  11
    Spacious Joy: An Essay in Phenomenology and Literature.J. L. Chretien - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    J.L. Chretien is a French public intellectual, philosopher and poet, widely published and revered in his home country and in academic circles worldwide. This translation makes his work available to an English-language audience for the first time and a crucial contribution to our understanding of the phenomenology of religious experience.
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  2. Christianity in Greater Syria: Surrender and survival.J. L. Boojamra - 1997 - Byzantion 67 (1):148-178.
    Si le christianisme a survécu en Grande Syrie, c'est en raison de facteurs spécifiques: l'intégrité de la communauté chrétienne arabe indigène dans la région; l'intégration sociale des chrétiens arabes syriens dans la société musulmane; l'échec des musulmans dans le prosélytisme agressif auprès des chrétiens; l'identification ethnique de la population indigène avec les nouvelles arrivées du VIIe siècle. L'arabisation ne signifiait pas systématiquement l'islamisation. Elle encourageait même le contraire dans certaines régions comme la Palestine, coeur d'une Eglise chrétienne arabophone viable.
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    The Impact of Physician Social Media Behavior on Patient Trust.Javad J. Fatollahi, James A. Colbert, Priyanka Agarwal, Joy L. Lee, Eliyahu Y. Lehmann, Neal Yuan, Lisa Soleymani Lehmann & Katherine C. Chretien - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):77-82.
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  4. (1 other version)Chretien, J.-L.(2004). The Call and the Response.D. J. Martino - 2005 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 36 (1).
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  5. Mathématiques : la fin de la certitude.Morris Kline, J. Chrétien-Goni & Ch Lazzeri - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (1):116-117.
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  6. L'islam et les chrétiens.J. Jomier - 1990 - Revue Thomiste 90 (4):675-681.
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    Coppens, J., I.-H. Dalmais, H. Jedin, L. Bouyer, A. Simon, Union et désunion des chrétiens. [REVIEW]J. Tourelle - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):195-196.
  8. Le culte chretien dans les maisons privées durant les premiers temps de l'Eglise.Sylvain J. G. Sánchez - 1999 - Revista Agustiniana 40 (123):1009-1062.
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    Jean Beaujeu: L'incendie de Rome en 64 et les Chrétiens. (Collection Latomus, xlix.) Brussels: Latomus, 1960. Paper, 75 [REVIEW]J. P. V. D. Balsdon - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):301-.
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  10. D. PATTE: "L'athéisme d'un chrétien". [REVIEW]J. Piguet - 1966 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 16:207.
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  11. A plea for excuses.J. L. Austin - 1964 - In Vere Claiborne Chappell, Ordinary language: essays in philosophical method. New York: Dover Publications. pp. 1--30.
  12. (2 other versions)Evil and omnipotence.J. L. Mackie - 1955 - Mind 64 (254):200-212.
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    The will to imagine: a justification of skeptical religion.J. L. Schellenberg - 2009 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Ultimism and the aims of human immaturity -- Faith without details, or how to practice skeptical religion -- Simple faith and the complexities of tradition -- The structure of faith justification -- How skeptical faith is true to reason -- Anselm's idea -- Leibniz's ambition -- Paley's wonder -- Pascal's wager -- Kant's postulate -- James's will -- Faith is positively justified : the many modes of religious vision.
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  14. Dispositions, grounds, and causes.J. L. Mackie - 1977 - Synthese 34 (4):361 - 369.
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  15. L'Église et la construction de la paix L'étape de Gaudium et Spes.J. Joblin - 2010 - Gregorianum 91 (1):137-153.
    La réinsertion progressive de l'Église dans le jeu international ne peut être niée; certains l'attribuent à des circonstances exceptionnelles d'autres pensent qu'elle occupe une place incontournable dans l'histoire. Le chapitre de Gaudium et Spes sur la paix et la guerre reflète la volonté du concile d'intervenir avec autorité dans les débats brûlants de l'heure, la guerre totale, la course aux armements d'une part, l'organisation de la société internationale et la pratique de la solidarité d'autre part. Les Papes qui ont suivi (...)
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  16. Flexible Contextualism about Deontic Modals: A Puzzle about Information-Sensitivity.J. L. Dowell - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (2-3):149-178.
    According to a recent challenge to Kratzer's canonical contextualist semantics for deontic modal expressions, no contextualist view can make sense of cases in which such a modal must be information-sensitive in some way. Here I show how Kratzer's semantics is compatible with readings of the targeted sentences that fit with the data. I then outline a general account of how contexts select parameter values for modal expressions and show, in terms of that account, how the needed, contextualist-friendly readings might plausibly (...)
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    Models and Ultraproducts: An Introduction.J. L. Bell & A. B. Slomson - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):763-764.
  18. A priori entailment and conceptual analysis: Making room for type-c physicalism.J. L. Dowell - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (1):93 – 111.
    One strategy for blocking Chalmers's overall case against physicalism has been to deny his claim that showing that phenomenal properties are in some sense physical requires an a priori entailment of the phenomenal truths from the physical ones. Here I avoid this well-trodden ground and argue instead that an a priori entailment of the phenomenal truths from the physical ones does not require an analysis in the Jackson/Chalmers sense. This is to sever the dualist's link between conceptual analysis and a (...)
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    The nature of hemispheric specialization in man.J. L. Bradshaw & N. C. Nettleton - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):51-63.
    The traditional verbal/nonverbal dichotomy is inadequate for completely describing cerebral lateralization. Musical functions are not necessarily mediated by the right hemisphere; evidence for a specialist left-hemisphere mechanism dedicated to the encoded speech signal is weakening, and the right hemisphere possesses considerable comprehensional powers. Right-hemisphere processing is often said to be characterized by holistic or gestalt apprehension, and face recognition may be mediated by this hemisphere partly because of these powers, partly because of the right hemisphere's involvement in emotional affect, and (...)
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    Conscious visual perception without V.J. L. Barbur, J. D. G. Watson, R. D. G. Frackowiak & Semir Zeki - 1993 - Brain 116:1293-1302.
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  21. The relevance criterion of confirmation.J. L. Mackie - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (1):27-40.
  22. How to be an atheist and a sceptic too: Response to Mccreary.J. L. Schellenberg - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (2):227-232.
    Mark McCreary has argued that I cannot consistently advance both the hiddenness argument and certain arguments for religious scepticism found in my book The Wisdom to Doubt (WD). This reaction was expected, and in WD I explained its shortsightedness in that context. First, I noted how in Part III of WD, where theism is addressed, my principal aim is not to prove atheism but to show theists that they are not immune from the scepticism defended in Parts I and II. (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Can there be a right-based moral theory?J. L. Mackie - 1978 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 3 (1):350-359.
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    Toposes and Local Set Theories. An Introduction.J. L. Bell - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):886-887.
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  25. De what re is de re modality?J. L. Mackie - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (16):551-561.
  26. Racism, Psychology, and Morality: Dialogue with Faucher and Machery.J. L. A. Garcia - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41 (2):250-268.
    I here respond to several points in Faucher and Machery’s vigorous and informative critique of my volitional account of racism (VAR). First, although the authors deem it a form of "implicit racial bias," a mere tendency to associate black people with "negative" concepts falls short of racial "bias" or prejudice in the relevant sense. Second, such an associative disposition need not even be morally objectionable. Third, even for more substantial forms of implicit racial bias such as race-based fear or disgust, (...)
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  27. Pluralism and probability.J. L. Schellenberg - 1997 - Religious Studies 33 (2):143-159.
    In this paper I discuss a neglected form of argument against religious belief -- generically, 'the probabilistic argument from pluralism'. If the denial of a belief is equivalent to the disjunction of its alternatives, and if we may gain some idea as to the probabilities of such disjunctions by adding the separate probabilities of their mutually exclusive disjuncts, and if, moreover, the denials of many religious beliefs are disjunctions known to have two or more mutually exclusive members each possessing a (...)
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    Cognition of cognition part II.J. L. Shaw - 1996 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 24 (3):231-264.
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    Hilbert's ɛ-operator and classical logic.J. L. Bell - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (1):1 - 18.
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    Quantitative assessment of organism–environment couplings.J.-L. Torres, O. Pérez-Maqueo, M. Equihua & L. Torres - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (1):107-117.
    The evolutionary implications of environmental change due to organismic action remain a controversial issue, after a decades—long debate on the subject. Much of this debate has been conducted in qualitative fashion, despite the availability of mathematical models for organism–environment interactions, and for gene frequencies when allele fitness can be related to exploitation of a particular environmental resource. In this article we focus on representative models dealing with niche construction, ecosystem engineering, the Gaia Hypothesis and community interactions of Lotka–Volterra type, and (...)
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    Logique et théorie physique.J. L. Destouches - 1966 - Synthese 16 (1):66 - 73.
    On s'occupe de la logique quantique depuis 1935 et pendant cette période beaucoup de résultats ont été obtenus, encore me suis-je abstenu de mentionner les résultats obtenus ces dernières années par les logiciens dans ce domaine. Certains de ces résultats ont un intérêt direct pour les théories physiques. En particulier on voit de quelles conditions impératives on doit tenir compte quand on effectue un changement de théorie pour passer à une théorie meilleure. L'exemple de la théorie fonctionnelle des corpuscules est (...)
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  32. Becerra P. Abuso sexual intrafamiliar: Prevalencia y características en jóvenes de tercer grado de liceos municipalizados de Chillán, Chile.J. L. Ysern De Arce - 2006 - Theoria 15:79-85.
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    Type reducing correspondences and well-orderings: Frege's and zermelo's constructions re-examined.J. L. Bell - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):209-221.
    A key idea in both Frege's development of arithmetic in theGrundlagen[7] and Zermelo's 1904 proof [10] of the well-ordering theorem is that of a “type reducing” correspondence between second-level and first-level entities. In Frege's construction, the correspondence obtains betweenconceptandnumber, in Zermelo's (through the axiom of choice), betweensetandmember. In this paper, a formulation is given and a detailed investigation undertaken of a system ℱ of many-sorted first-order logic (first outlined in the Appendix to [6]) in which this notion of type reducing (...)
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  34. Miller's so-called paradox of information.J. L. Mackie - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (2):144-147.
  35.  45
    Los Estados Financieros Básicos, su uso e interpretación para la toma decisiones en las PYMES “Basic financial statements, its use and interpretation for decision making in small and medium enterprises”.Leonel Luis Sandoval & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):152-186.
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  36. What did Berkeley mean by esse is percipi?J. L. Stocks - 1936 - Mind 45 (179):310-323.
  37. Sidgwick's pessimism.J. L. Mackie - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (105):317-327.
  38. Zorn's lemma and complete Boolean algebras in intuitionistic type theories.J. L. Bell - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1265-1279.
    We analyze Zorn's Lemma and some of its consequences for Boolean algebras in a constructive setting. We show that Zorn's Lemma is persistent in the sense that, if it holds in the underlying set theory, in a properly stated form it continues to hold in all intuitionistic type theories of a certain natural kind. (Observe that the axiom of choice cannot be persistent in this sense since it implies the law of excluded middle.) We also establish the persistence of some (...)
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    Critical notices.J. L. Ackrill - 1952 - Mind 61 (241):102-113.
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    Societe française de logique et de philosophie Des sciences.J. L. Destouches - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):490-490.
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    Critical notices.J. L. Mcintyre - 1904 - Mind 13 (1):119-122.
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    'Telling, not conveying' - svaśabdavācya.J. L. Masson - 1972 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 2 (2):145-155.
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    Finding Heidegger.J. L. Mehta - 1977 - Research in Phenomenology 7 (1):5-11.
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  44. Association between board of director characteristics and the amount of voluntary audit committee disclosures.J.-L. W. Mitchell Der Zahvann - 2004 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (s 2-3):210-232.
    This study empirically examines the association between certain director characteristics and the extent of voluntary audit committee disclosure in annual reports. Results suggest that Singapore's publicly traded firms are more likely to voluntarily disclose audit committee related information as: the number of board members increases; different individuals occupy the roles of CEO and board chairperson; and the proportion of independent directors serving on the board increases. Findings, however, fail to show any association between the amount of voluntary audit committee disclosure (...)
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    Foucault y la historia de la filosofía.Villacañas Berlanga, L. J. & Rodrigo Castro Orellana (eds.) - 2018 - Madrid: Dado Ediciones.
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    Teología política imperial y comunidad de salvación cristiana: una genealogía de la división de poderes.Villacañas Berlanga & L. J. - 2016 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
    Genealogía y lógica de la ratio imperial romana -- Racionalización ética judía y religión de salvación cristiana -- La revolución teológica de Pablo y sus consecuencias -- Teología política imperial y militancia cristiana -- La teología trinitaria y el destino de la teología imperial -- Hilario, Ambrosio y el camino del catolicismo en Occidente -- Mal y salvación: Augstín de Hipona.
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  47. Teoría del nexo: la estructura léxico-semántica de la nexuación interoracional.Román del Cerro & L. J. - 1984 - [Alicante]: Subsecretariado de Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante.
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    La educación de la juventud de fray Martín Sarmiento.Martín Sarmiento & J. L. Pensado - 1984 - [Galicia]: Xunta de Galicia, Servicio Central de Publicacións. Edited by J. L. Pensado.
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    Isomorphism of structures in s-toposes.J. L. Bell - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):449-459.
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    Animal chauvinism, plant-regarding ethics and the torture of trees.J. L. Arbor - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (3):335 – 339.
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